Executive Summary


AP-05 Executive Summary – 24 CFR 91.200(c), 91.220(b)

1.                           Introduction


The City of Bessemer has developed a five year Consolidated Plan for Housing and Community Development Programs for program years 2015-2019. This document comprises the planning and submission process for the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG). An Annual Action Plan must also be prepared for each year of the Consolidated Plan. The following reflects a Substantial Amendment to an existing FY2018 Action Plan, which outlines the City’s Economic Development and Community Development needs and strategies relativeto CDBG entitlement funds for FY2018 of

$570,416.00, and projected Program Income of $275,332.00. This Substantial Amendment reflects a grant reduction of $35,516.11 to compensate for failure to meet the timeliness testrelative to the expenditure of Revolving Funds and a further reduction of $147.084.89 to repay CDBG Activity #80 from FY1998 that was determined not to meet a National Objective. After theaforementioned reductions the total CDBG Entitlement Grant amount for FY2018 will be $387,815.00. Projected Program Income is unchanged. Copies of the City’s 2015-2019 ConsolidatedPlan for Housing and Community Development Programs, and FY2018 Action Plan will be available for inspection in the City’s Community Development Department, 1700 3rd Ave. North,Bessemer, Alabama, Monday through Friday, except legal holidays, from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. The Economic and Community Development Department of the City of Bessemer served as thelead agency during the development of the FY2018 Consolidated Plan and Action Plan. Consolidated Plan rules developed by the U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Development (HUD) require all jurisdictions to consult and coordinate with appropriate agencies, and among its own departments, to assure that its Consolidated Plan is a comprehensive document that addressesstatutory purposes. In an effort to meet these and other requirements in the development of its FY2018 Action Plan and Consolidated Plan, the City of Bessemer’s Economic and Community Development Department worked with the Bessemer Housing Authority to develop statistical information regarding public and assisted housing and a number of other agencies mentioned throughout this document relative to their expertise.


2.                           Summarize the objectives and outcomes identified in the Plan


This could be a restatement of items or a table listed elsewhere in the plan or a reference to another location. It may also contain any essential items from the housing and homelessneeds assessment, the housing market analysis or the strategic plan.


The City’s Community Development Objectives include the utilization of CDBG funds for: 1) Public Facilities, to improve the general quality of life in the community, and 2) To foster neighborhood

stability through Historic Rehabilitation, Housing Rehabilitation, Reconstruction, Permanent Relocation, Temporary Relocation and Refinancing with the goal of increased housing production and home ownership for families at and below low-to-moderate income levels., and 3) To utilize Economic Development Loans and Grants to encourage business development,slum and blight removal and job creation. The projected use of funds stated herein has been developed so as to give maximum priority to activities that will benefit families at, and below, the low-to-moderate income level or aid in the prevention or elimination of slums and blight. In addition, the projected use of funds is consistent with the City’s established strategy of stabilizing theCity’s housing stock and reversing negative trends associated with urban decay and blight. The City’s strategy for community development has three basic goals:1)To improve neighborhoodstability through physical improvements and housing rehabilitation; 2) Improve the economic life of the City by encouraging business development and jobs, and 3) To cause increased production and home ownership for families at all income levels at or below the low to moderate income level. The City intends to continue its efforts to obtain available federal, state, local, and privatefunding, to provide for community wide improvements in each of the areas outlined above in as many communities and neighborhoods as funding permits. Of the formula grant programs the Cityonly receives CDBG funding. Therefore, this document only relates to CDBG Entitlement funds and Revolving Loan funds. However, the City is investigating the possibility of an ESG program forthe direct benefit of the homeless in concert with the local continuum of care and the possible use of CDBG funds in that area of service.


3.                           Evaluation of past performance


This is an evaluation of past performance that helped lead the grantee to choose its goals or projects.


The City of Bessemer has a large low and low to moderate income elderly population. As a result there is great need for home repairs related to the needs of the elderly and disabled. The focus ofthe FY2015, FY2016 and FY2017 Action Plans was to address the needs of the elderly relative to housing with a focus on repairs that met the definitions of the American’s With Disabilities ACT.The performance of the City relative to the elderly was accomplished in the main by three programs: The Deferred Loan program, the Rehabilitation Loan program and the Emergency Grantprogram. In addition to those programs the City utilized its Housing Revolving Loan Fund to provide funding for its Buy/Rehab/Sell program and Rehabilitation/Refinance program to make significant rehabilitation possible for several new and existing homeowners. The necessity of repaying a large Section 108 Loan greatly impacted the availability of CDBG funds for housingprograms in FY2015, and FY2016. Thankfully, that loan did not impact FY2017. The Emergency Grant program met the needs of many citizens and a back log of applicants exists relative to thefunds available. The City utilized significant un-programmed funds from prior years to pay most of the remaining debt from a $4,000,000.00 Section 108 loan in FY2015 and paid that loan off with$22,000.00 in CDBG Entitlement funds in FY2016. The payoff of this Section 108 note freed over $300,000.00 in CDBG Entitlement Funds the City had been forced to commit from its CDBG granteach year since 2009. With the elimination of the Section 108 Loan as a major expense, using un-

programmed funds from prior years, more CDBG funds will be targeted to the Emergency Grant program. The City did not utilize CDBG funds during FY2015, FY2016 or FY2017 for Clearance.However, the City provided $250,000.00 in General funding for clearance activities in both fiscal years. The City was successful in the utilization of both a Buy/Rehab/Sell andRehabilitation/Rehab program.

Unfortunately these programs are more expensive on a per unit basis than standard rehabilitation programs and lower the number of participants who can be served. Therefore, the City willcontinue to focus on the Rehabilitation Loan program for significant rehab needs and Emergency Grants for medically related repairs. The City administered an Economic Development/JobCreation program during the period of the FY2015, FY2016 and FY2017 Action Plans. The primary goal of Economic Development Loans is job creation. The City ran a successful, ongoingsummer youth program called Camp Bessemer that was funded jointly from General Funds and CDBG Public Service funds. The City plans to continue this program throughout the period of theConsolidated Plan. The City has been successful in many Public Facility projects.


4.                           Summary of Citizen Participation Process and consultation process


Summary from citizen participation section of plan.


The City of Bessemer has undertaken, throughout the development of its FY2018 Action Plan and 2015- 2019 Consolidated Plan, an open, credible, and broad-based effort to involve and solicit the participation of community and neighborhood leaders, and residents of their needs and the types of services that they would like to see established or improved throughout the City. In aneffort to broaden public participation in the development of the FY2018 Action Plan, the City held three public hearings for the Citizens of Bessemer. The purpose of the hearings was to obtaincomments and proposals for the use of the City’s projected FY2018 Consolidated Formula Allocation and to obtain the views of citizens, public agencies, and other interested parties on thehousing and community development needs of the City. Citizens were also afforded the opportunity to 1) identify housing and community development needs and priorities; 2) review proposeduses of funds; and 3) comment on, and review the City’s program performance. All comments, priorities, and proposals received were considered in the development of the City’s FY2018Action Plan. This substantial Amendment was advertised for 30 days and the comments of citizens was solicited in that advertising.


5.                           Summary of public comments


This could be a brief narrative summary or reference an attached document from the Citizen Participation section of the Con Plan.


Public comments relative to the FY2018 Action Plan included support for Park improvements and support for matching funds to support transportation studies that could lead to the construction of a new transportation hub in the downtown area. Public Facilities projects for the paving of streets was also advocated. There was also support for a large, annual Public Facilities and Park projects ineach City neighborhood. It was advocated that the City undertake one major project per year per Council District

rather than several smaller projects scattered over all seven Council Districts. There were favorable comments relative to efforts to remove slum and blight in the National Historic District and supportfor activities that would revitalize downtown Bessemer. Economic Development loans and grants were also discussed, as was Clearance. No public comments were received relative to thisSubstantial Amendment.


6.                           Summary of comments or views not accepted and the reasons for not accepting them


No views or comments were rejected. All comments were considered for present and future Action Plans.


7.                           Summary


The City of Bessemer, over the course of FY2018 will continue to focus on the needs of housing for the elderly with new CDBG grant funds while continuing to provide loans to assist in the repair ofexisting housing stock through its revolving loan fund. The City of Bessemer utilizes a variety of community planning sources, stakeholder input, and program performance from prior years for theplanning and development of its Consolidated Plan and Annual Action Plans. The essential purpose of the Consolidated Plan and all subsequent Annual Action Plans is to provide a guide forthe usage of the limited funds available and to focus on projects and objectives that will result in the greatest positive impact possible on the community.



PR-05 Lead & Responsible Agencies – 91.200(b)

1.         Agency/entity responsible for preparing/administering the Consolidated Plan


Describe the agency/entity responsible for preparing the Consolidated Plan and those responsible for administration of each grant program and funding source.


Agency RoleNameDepartment/Agency
CDBG AdministratorBESSEMEREconomic & Community Development Department

Table 1 – Responsible Agencies


Narrative (optional)


The City of Bessemer’s Department of Economic and Community Development prepared this Action Plan. The Department is also responsible for the execution, design and management of allCDBG programs. The City cooperated with the Bessemer Public Housing Authority in development of Fair Housing policies, practices and goals and is cooperating with the One Rooforganization to study the need for ESG funds, their use, and possible policies and practices relative to the needs of the homeless. The Bessemer Public Housing Authority is the Lead Agency inadministering the City’s Section 8 and Public Housing Programs. One Roof is the Lead Agency in the Continuum of Care in Jefferson County and the municipalities therein. It is believed this ActionPlan represents a broad and comprehensive course of action that can address the housing, economic developemnt and general well being of the citizens of Bessemer.


Consolidated Plan Public Contact Information


City of Bessemer Department of Economic and Community Development, 1700 3rd. Ave. North, Bessemer, AL 35020. Forrest R. Davis-Director (, Abraham Ward-Principal Housing Specialist ( Phone: 205-424-4060, FAX: 205-426-8374.

AP-10 Consultation – 91.100, 91.200(b), 91.215(l)

1.                           Introduction


The City of Bessemer through Department of Economic and Community Development has endeavored to consult with public and private agencies at every level to develop the FY2018 ActionPlan. Of particular importance is the Bessemer Public Housing Authority, which works very closely with the Department of Economic and Community Development. The City consulted with theBessemer Public Housing Authority relative to the leveraging of federal funds for housing, Housing programs in

General and to the provision of educational and Public Services for the citizens of Bessemer. The City has also consulted with the Jefferson County Community Development Department relativeto disaster relief and housing. The City has consulted with Habitat for Humanity relative to the needs of first time home buyers and blight removal throughout the City. The City also consulted withHabitat for Humanity relative to reconstruction and rehabilitation programs. The City consulted with the “One Roof” organization relative to the needs of the homeless. The City also consultedwith members of the faith based community to determine the needs and priorities that should be established relative to housing rehabilitation. The City consulted with the Alabama Department ofPublic Health in its design of Lead Based Paint programs and the Foundry relative to the homeless and other needs including services related to drug addiction. In addition the City consulted withUAB West relative to the needs of the disabled and the delivery mechanisms associate with the Emergency Housing Repair Grant program.


Provide a concise summary of the jurisdiction’s activities to enhance coordination between public and assisted housing providers and private and governmentalhealth, mental health and service agencies (91.215(l))


The City of Bessemer, through its Department of Economic and Community Development has formed a partnership with the Bessemer Public Housing Authority that has proved to be successful inbringing more and better housing services and opportunities to the citizens of Bessemer. In 2009 the City and the Bessemer Public Housing Authority successfully partnered to win an NSP 1grant. The City and the Bessemer Public Housing Authority partnered in 2015 to apply for funds through the National Resilience Grant competition. The City has partnered with the BessemerPublic Housing Authority to provide educational opportunities relative to health and housing to the citizens of Bessemer. The City has also partnered with the Bessemer Public Housing Authority towork with them on a program to transition public housing residents to privately owned housing through its CDBG Housing program.


The City has worked with UAB Medical Center West to provide assistance to individuals who qualify for the City’s CDBG funded Emergency Grant program. The City has worked with theAlabama Department of Economic and Community Affairs to administer an NSP grant. The City has partnered with the Alabama Department of Public Health and the Environmental ProtectionAgency to sponsor seminars on Lead Based paint for both citizens and contractors. The City has also worked with the JCCEO to help it identify eligible participants in Bessemer to participate in their”Weatherization” program. To date

approximately 300 residents of the City of Bessemer have been able to take advantage of the Weatherization Program. The Economic & Community Development Department works with the Bessemer Fire Department to identify citizens in need os assistance. The City also works with the Veteran’s Administration to develop seminar’s for employment and housing.


Describe coordination with the Continuum of Care and efforts to address the needs of homeless persons (particularly chronically homeless individuals and families, families with children, veterans, and unaccompanied youth) and persons at risk of homelessness.


The City is working with the “One Roof” organization to develop policies and practices to address the needs of the homeless and to apply for ESG funding. One roof has identified approximately 35 chronically homeless persons within the City of Bessemer. Of those persons, many are part of homeless families. The City and One Roof are working to develop programs thatcan provide houses for these families. The City and One Roof hope to establish a relationship that will allow the City to acquire ESG funding whereby One Roof will serve as a sub-grantee to assistin administering those funds. The City also hopes to utilize referrals from One Roof to identify persons that may be eligible for CDBG housing programs.


Describe consultation with the Continuum(s) of Care that serves the jurisdiction’s area in determining how to allocate ESG funds, develop performance standards for and evaluate outcomes of projects and activities assisted by ESG funds, and develop funding, policies and procedures for the operation and administration ofHMIS


The City does not receive ESG funds. However, the City is working with the “One Roof” organization to develop policies and practices to address the needs of the homeless and to apply forESG funding. One roof identified approximately 35 homeless persons within the City of Bessemer in 2017. A number that seems to remain stable also the individuals change. Of thosepersons, many are members of families. The City and One Roof are working to develop programs that can provide houses for these families. The City and One Roof hope to establish arelationship that will allow the City to acquire ESG funding whereby One Roof could serve as a sub-grantee to assist in administering those funds. The City has consulted with One Roof todetermine the number of homeless and need for services for the homeless in Bessemer. The City does not now receive ESG funding.


2.                           Describe Agencies, groups, organizations and others who participated in the process and describe the jurisdiction’s consultations with housing, socialservice agencies and other entities


Table 2 – Agencies, groups, organizations who participated

Agency/Group/Organization Type


Services – Housing Service-Fair Housing

Business and Civic Leaders

What section of the Plan wasaddressed by Consultation?

Housing Need Assessment

Homeless Needs – Families withchildren Market Analysis

Briefly describe how theAgency/Group/Organization was consulted.What are the anticipated outcomes of theconsultation or areas for improvedcoordination?

The Greater Birmingham Habitat for Humanity was consulted directlyrelative to blighted housing clearance, housing reconstruction and housing needs in general, with emphasis on first time home buyers. The agency was also consulted relative to adding housing services forVeterans. Habitat for Humanity has assisted in providing housingrehabilitation services in situations where CDBG funds could not be used. Itis anticipated that Habitat for Humanity will construct at least ten newhouses in Bessemer in 2018 using their own funding. This partnership willallow the City and Habitat to reach the broadest spectrum of participantspossible while addressing needs CDBG cannot meet. This will

serve to address impediments to housing for low income persons.

2Agency/Group/OrganizationUAB West
Agency/Group/Organization Type


Services-Persons with Disabilities Services-Health

Services – Victims Business and Civic Leaders

Major Employer


 What section of the Plan wasaddressed by Consultation?

Homelessness Strategy

Non-Homeless Special Needs

Briefly describe how theAgency/Group/Organization was consulted.What are the anticipated outcomes of theconsultation or areas for improvedcoordination?

UAB West was consulted directly relative to the needs of the disabled andthe special needs of those with medical conditions who qualify forEmergency Grants related to disability or medical condition. In additionUAB West was consulted relative to identifying disabled persons in need ofspecial housing repairs related to the Americans with Disabilities Act that can prevent homelessness. These consultations allow the City toidentify those in need and address those needs. Many individuals withsudden, extreme disabilities cannot continue to live in homes with barriersassociated with those disabilities.

Consultations with UAB West have and will allow the City to address these impediments and facilitate the continued occupancy by the disabled oftheir


3Agency/Group/OrganizationBessemer Public Housing Authority
Agency/Group/Organization Type


Services – Housing Services-Children Services-Elderly Persons

Other government – Local

What section of the Plan wasaddressed by Consultation?Housing Need Assessment Public Housing Needs


 Briefly describe how theAgency/Group/Organization was consulted.What are the anticipated outcomes of theconsultation or areas for improvedcoordination?

The City consulted with the Bessemer Public Housing Authority in developing goals and services not only for those living in public housing, butin the overall design of the CDBG program. Housing Authority residents participate in Homeownership programs through the Bessemer Housing Authority and residents who successfully complete the program arereferred to the City for participation in the City’s CDBG fundedBuy/Rehab/Sell program. We anticipate this partnership will continue toallow public housing residents to transition into

private housing.

4Agency/Group/OrganizationOne Roof, Inc
Agency/Group/Organization Type


Services – Housing Services-Children Services-Elderly Persons

Services-Persons with Disabilities Services-Persons with HIV/AIDS Services-Victims of Domestic Violence Services-homeless

Service-Fair Housing

Services – Victims Civic Leaders

What section of the Plan wasaddressed by Consultation?

Housing Need Assessment

Homeless Needs – Chronically homeless Homeless Needs – Families with children Homelessness Needs – Veterans Homelessness Needs – Unaccompanied youth

Homelessness Strategy


 Briefly describe how theAgency/Group/Organization was consulted.What are the anticipated outcomes of theconsultation or areas for improvedcoordination?

One Roof was consulted directly relative to the needs of the homeless in the community in general and the needs of homeless Families and Youth in particular. The City has a relationship with One Roof and seeks to provide housing for the homeless. One Roof has direct programs to address all types and causes of homelessness. However, the City does not receive ESGfunding and as such, has no direct means of providing for the homelessoutside the scope of CDBG Housing programs. The City hopes to work withOne Roof to provide housing opportunities for those meeting the definitionof homeless. It is anticipated that CDBG funded housing rehabilitationprograms like the

Buy/Rehab/Sell program could be used successfully by referrals from OneRoof.

5Agency/Group/OrganizationAIDS ALABAMA
Agency/Group/Organization Type

Services-Persons with HIV/AIDS Services-Health

Services – Victims

What section of the Plan wasaddressed by Consultation?

Homeless Needs – Chronically homeless

Homelessness Needs – Unaccompanied youth HOPWA Strategy

Briefly describe how theAgency/Group/Organization was consulted.What are the anticipated outcomes of theconsultation or areas for improvedcoordination?

AIDS Alabama was consulted for statistical information for HIV/AIDS inthe City of Bessemer. It is anticipated that it may be possible in the future forreferrals from AIDS Alabama to utilize the City’s Emergency Grant programto meet needs directly associated with HIV/Aids. The Emergency Grantprogram is

designed to facilitate repairs and rehabilitation associated with medicalneeds.


6Agency/Group/OrganizationThe Foundry
Agency/Group/Organization Type

Services-ChildrenServices-homeless Services-Employment Services – Victims

Civic Leaders

What section of the Plan wasaddressed by Consultation?

Homeless Needs – Chronically homeless Homeless Needs – Families with children Homelessness Needs – Veterans Homelessness Needs – Unaccompanied youth

Homelessness Strategy

Briefly describe how theAgency/Group/Organization was consulted.What are the anticipated outcomes of theconsultation or areas for improvedcoordination?

The agency was consulted relative to the services for the homeless theyprovide as well as other community services. The Foundry providesservices for those recovering from addiction. As such the Foundry hasoutreach to all forms of homelessness including Youth and Families. It isanticipated that City programs may be used to provide housing services forreferrals from the Foundry who are residents of Bessemer. The most likelyprograms will relate to housing

rehabilitation loans.

7Agency/Group/OrganizationAlabama Department of Public Health
Agency/Group/Organization Type


Services – Housing Services-Children Services-Health Services – Victims Health Agency

Other government – State


 What section of the Plan wasaddressed by Consultation?

Housing Need Assessment Market Analysis

Lead-based Paint Strategy

Briefly describe how theAgency/Group/Organization was consulted.What are the anticipated outcomes of theconsultation or areas for improvedcoordination?

The agency was consulted relative to lead testing and the impact of leadon children and adults. This agency has conducted seminars on leadpaint for the City of Bessemer and local citizens and contractors. It isanticipated the the assistance of the ALabama Department of PublicHealth will lead to more

Rehabilitation COntractors who comply with lead based paint requirements.

Agency/Group/Organization Type


Other government – State Civic Leaders

What section of the Plan wasaddressed by Consultation?NSP Program
Briefly describe how theAgency/Group/Organization was consulted.What are the anticipated outcomes of theconsultation or areas for improvedcoordination?

ADECA has an ongoing relationship with the City of Bessemer relative tothe NSP program and other grants. ADECA has consulted on Housingrelative to the NSP program. It is anticipated that the City of Bessemer willcontinue to apply for grants through ADECA that may have a directimpact on the housing needs

of the City.


9Agency/Group/OrganizationCity of Bessemer Fire Department
Agency/Group/Organization Type


Services – Housing Services-Children Services-Elderly Persons

Services-Persons with Disabilities Services – Victims

Other government – Local

Grantee Department

What section of the Plan wasaddressed by Consultation?Non-Homeless Special Needs Disaster Relief
Briefly describe how theAgency/Group/Organization was consulted.What are the anticipated outcomes of theconsultation or areas for improvedcoordination?

The Bessemer Fire Department takes an active role in identifyingindividuals in need of assistance related to safety and disabilities. They areideally suited to learn who the citizens with needs are and they refer them tothe Department of Economic and Community Development for help. Theyhave also participated in constructing wheel chair ramps as part of theoutreach of their department. We anticipate that the Fire Department willallow the City of identify individuals

who qualify for Emergency Grants.

10Agency/Group/OrganizationEnvironmental Protection Agency
Agency/Group/Organization Type


Service-Fair Housing

Other government – Federal

What section of the Plan wasaddressed by Consultation?Lead-based Paint Strategy Disaster Assistance


 Briefly describe how theAgency/Group/Organization was consulted.What are the anticipated outcomes of theconsultation or areas for improvedcoordination?

The agency presented to local contractors and consulted with Economic and Community Development staff relative to the manner in which lead basedpaint must be addressed in Housing Rehabilitation programs operated bythe City of Bessemer. The City anticipates that the EPA will continue toconsult in matters related to Lead Based Paint and Asbestos and that theywill consult in matter

relative to permanent relocation from the 100 year flood plain.

11Agency/Group/OrganizationUnited Way of Central Alabama
Agency/Group/Organization Type


Services – Housing Service-Fair Housing

What section of the Plan wasaddressed by Consultation?Housing Need Assessment
Briefly describe how theAgency/Group/Organization was consulted.What are the anticipated outcomes of theconsultation or areas for improvedcoordination?

The City consulted with The United Way of Central Alabama directly relativeto Credit reports and Credit Counseling and other Credit related needs of all Rehabilitation Loan applicants. Adequate credit is an impediment to many persons seeking to own homes or those seeking to upgrade their living conditions. It is anticipated that the expertise of the United Way of Central Alabama will provide the City with solid underwritinginformation and that it will provide present and potential homeowners withthe opportunity to become

credit worthy. This will allow many to participate in CDBG loan programs.



Identify any Agency Types not consulted and provide rationale for not consulting


Specialized Mental Health Facilities, Foster Care and Corrections programs were not consulted. However, One Roof and the Foundry address all aspects of Homelessness and it is believed theyhave the programs, knowledge and expertise to advise on homelessness in a universal sense.

UAB West was consulted and they do provide information to the City relative to Families, the Disabled and Youth that the City can assist through


housing programs that can mitigate homelessness. It is believed that the organizations that were and are consulted provide adequate assistance relative to the CDBG program.




Other local/regional/state/federal planning efforts considered when preparing the Plan


Name of Plan



How do the goals of your Strategic Plan overlap with the goals of each plan?



Continuum of Care




One Roof

The goals of the strategic plan overlap with those of One Roof in that the City seeks to provide housing for the homeless by providing vacant houses, under City control, to One Roof to bemanaged for the use of the homeless. The City also partners with the Bessemer Public HousingAuthority to assist in transitioning those in Public Housing to permanent housing and theservices provided by the City and the Public Housing Authority are synergistic. Consultationwith Veteran’s groups were also

utilized in the preparation of this Action Plan.

Table 3 – Other local / regional / federal planning efforts



Narrative (optional)


AP-12 Participation – 91.105, 91.200(c)

  1. Summary of citizen participation process/Efforts made to broaden citizen participation Summarize citizen participationprocess and how it impacted goal-setting



The City of Bessemer has established a Citizen Participation process that comports with all HUD rules and regulations. The purpose of the process, relative to CDBG, is to assure that citizens, tothe greatest extent possible, have a voice in program design and expenditure goals and targets. Three meetings were held on March 26th, March 27th and March 29th of 2018, to allow citizensto provide input relative to the Action Plan for FY2018. Citizens were encouraged to comment on all aspects of the CDBG program and to indicate the programs they would like to see in place inthe Consolidated Plan. The SUbstantial AMendment to the Action Plan was advertised in local newspapers for 30 days beginning on December 16th, 2018.


Citizen Participation Outreach


Sort Orde rMode of Outreac hTarget of Outreac h

Summary of response/attendanc


Summary of comments receive


Summary of comment s not accepted

and reasons



    Comments were  
    received during the 
    City Council 
    meeting indicating 
    the need for 
    funding in city 
    parks and the 
    general support for 
    funding relative to 










Public Meeting




Non- targeted/broad community

Three public meetings were held and a presentation was made before an open meeting of theBessemer City Council.

studies related to transportation grants, and housing. It was mentioned that one large Public Facilities or Park&




All comments were accepted as constructive and will be considered going forward.

    per year, rather 
    than several small 
    ones, undertaken 
    with CDBG funds 
    would be a good 
    idea. The Historic 
    Facade grant 
    program was 
    discussed in detail. 


Sort Orde rMode of Outreac hTarget of Outreac h

Summary of response/attendanc


Summary of comments receive


Summary of comment s not accepted

and reasons



    No written  
   The basic contents ofcomments were 
   the proposed Actionreceived. However 
   Plan were advertisedthe advertising was 
   as were theeffective in 
  Non-availability of publicnotifying citizens of 
2Newspaper Adtargeted/broadmeetings andthe three publicNA
  communitymethods ofmeetings to be 
   response. Theheld. No 
   Substantialcomments were 
   Amendment wasreceived relative to 
   also advertised.this Substantial 
   The basic contents ofNo written  
   the proposed Actioncomments were  






Internet Outreach

Non- targeted/broad community

Plan were advertised as were the availability of public

meetings and

received. However, theadvertising waseffective in

notifying the public





bessemeral.or g

   methods ofof meetings to be  


Sort Orde rMode of Outreac hTarget of Outreac h

Summary of response/attendanc


Summary of comments receive



mary of comment s not accepted

and reasons



    Comments were  
   The proposed Actionreceived relative to 
   Plan was presentedthe value of 
   to the City Council infunding for City 
   open CouncilParks and 
   session. The Councilmatching funds for 






Public Hearing

Non- targeted/broad community

meeting was attended by all Council members,

the Mayor, Executive

transportation studies. Some Council members

were interested in




   staff and the generaldevoting CDBG 
   public. The Councilfunds to public 
   voted to approve theworks projects like 
   Action Plan asdrainage, street 
   submitted.paving and 



Electronic, municipal

No written comments were received. However, theadvertising waseffective in notifying thepublic ofmeetings to be


  Non-signage was used to 
5Municipal SIgnagetargeted/broadadvertise publicNA
  communityAction Plan 

Table 4 – Citizen Participation Outreach





Expected Resources


AP-15 Expected Resources – 91.220(c)(1,2)



The City of Bessemer’s Economic and Community Development Department manages the CDBG Entitlement grant and a Revolving Loan fund for Housing and for Economic Development.


Anticipated Resources


ProgramSource of FundsUses of FundsExpected Amount Available Year 1

Expected Amount Available Remainder of ConPlan


Narrative Description

Annual Allocation:


Program Income:


Prior Year Resources:




CDBGpublic – federal

Acquisition Admin and Planning Economic Development Housing Public Improvements

Public Services



















































The City anticipates no more thanthe present annual fundingamount to be available for the balance of the FY2015 through FY2019 Consolidated Plan.

Table 5 – Expected Resources – Priority Table


Explain how federal funds will leverage those additional resources (private, state and local funds), including a description of how


matching requirements will be satisfied


The City has committed $250,000.00 annualy to combine with CDBG funding in FY2018 and FY2019 for Clearance. CDBG funds totaling

$100,000.00 have been specified in this Action Plan for Clearance projects that are not in the 100 year flood plain.

If appropriate, describe publically owned land or property located within the jurisdiction that may be used to address the needs identified in the plan


No publically owned land has been designated for use in the FY 2018 Action Plan.




With entitlement cuts since the 2015 Consolidated plan was completed the City of Bessemer’s CDBG program has become focused on meeting the needs of as many people as possible through the Emergency Grant program. The City recently agreed to partner with UAB West relative to the Emergency Grant program. UAB West will provide contact data and referrals for theirpatients who are program eligible. This should result in a more focused program and a much high annual number The City is actively pursuing of individuals served. The goal is to help those whoneed the help most. The City is also actively pursuing grant funds through the Birmingham Regional Planning Commission for funds to continue to develop a rails-to-trails project that will interfacewith the City’s new Recreation Center.




Annual Goals and Objectives



AP-20 Annual Goals and Objectives


Goals Summary Information




Goal Name








Needs AddressedFundingGoal Outcome Indicator
1EmergencyHousing Repair Grants20152019

Affordable Housing

Non-Homeless Special Needs


EmergencyRepair Grants Housing Rehabilitation




Homeowner Housing Rehabilitated: 13 Household Housing Unit
2Housing Rehabilitation Loans20152019Affordable Housing 

Housing Rehabilitation Loans

Lead Paint



Homeowner HousingRehabilitated: 3 Household Housing Unit

Economic Development


20152019  Economic Development



Jobs created/retained: 4 Jobs Businesses assisted: 4 Businesses


5Public Facilities20152019Non-Housing Community Development Public Facilities



Public Facility or Infrastructure Activities other than Low/Moderate Income Housing Benefit: 27000

Persons Assisted

Table 6 – Goals Summary



Goal Descriptions





1Goal NameEmergency Housing Repair Grants
Goal Description

The Emergency Housing Repair Grant Program is designed to meet the needs of the elderly and disabled. Thebasic program provides up to $5,000.00 per grant for projects related to the specific medical needs of theparticipants. Wheel Chair Ramps, projects related to ADA compliance and projects specific to the needs ofmedical conditions serve to allow the elderly and disable to live in their homes longer with a higher quality of life.The City has partnered with UAB West, a

local hospital, to address the needs of Bessemer citizens to improve the quality of life of those citizens.housing

2Goal NameHousing Rehabilitation Loans
Goal Description

Please see attached FY2018 Housing Plan Narrative for complete description of all available Housing Loan andHousing programs.

All funding derives from Program Income projected from Housing Revolving Loan Funds in fiscal year 2018.

3Goal NameEconomic Development Loan
Goal Description

The Economic Development Loan program is designed to provide capital to businesses which will, in turn, allow those

businesses to create new, full time jobs for low to moderate income persons. Funding projected for Economic Development Loans is derived from anticipated FY2018 program income.

5Goal NamePublic Facilities
Goal DescriptionThe City plans to spend $112,000.00 in CDBG funds toward a drainage project in Roosevelt Park.



AP-35 Projects – 91.220(d)



The City of Bessemer employs a comprehensive housing program. In addition to housing the City has an Economic Development Loan program funded through a CDBG related Revolving LoanFund. The City will fund Clearance activities outside flood zones with CDBG funds for the first time in several years and a Transit Study is anticipated.





#Project Name
5Emergency Housing RepairGrant
6Housing Activities
7Economic Development Loan
9Roosevelt Park Drainage
11Delivery Costs
12Entrance Sign

Table 7 – Project Information


Describe the reasons for allocation priorities and any obstacles to addressing underserved needs


Each of the listed projects meets a high priority need within the Bessemer community. Limited funding prevents specific projects directed to the needs of the homeless, but the City is working tomeet those needs through various partnerships and the assistance of the Continuum of Care.




AP-38 Project Summary

Project Summary Information

1Project NameEmergency Housing Repair Grant
Target Area 
Goals SupportedEmergency Housing Repair Grants
Needs AddressedEmergency Repair Grants
FundingCDBG: $66,761

Housing rehabilitation program designed to provide grants of up to

$5,000.00 to address housing repair needs related to health andsafety as well as housing repair needs directly associated with medical disabilities. Funding derived from prior remaining years CDBG entitlement funding and well as new funding from the FY2018CDBG

Entitlement grant.

Target Date5/31/2019

Estimate thenumber and type of families that willbenefit from

the proposed activities

13 families at a grant amount of $5,000.00 each.
Location DescriptionCity of Bessemer. This is a city wide program. It is not possible toknow the addresses of houses in advance.
Planned ActivitiesHousing repairs associated with disabilities, medical conditions orhealth and safety.
2Project NameHousing Activities
Target Area 
Goals SupportedHousing Rehabilitation Loans
Needs AddressedHousing Rehabilitation Loans
FundingCDBG: $412,666

Housing Rehabilitation loans are of three types. All require that agiven house be brought to a CODE conforming condition. All have1% to 6% interest rates and terms may go to 30 years. Oneprogram involves only rehab. One involves refinancing to make rehabilitation affordable and one involves a loan to purchase andrehabilitate a house. The goal of all three is a CODE conforming,affordable structure for a low to moderate income, or lower, person. FY2018 is to be funded from projected Program Incomefrom Revolving Loan Funds.The maximum loan for a standardHousing Rehabilitation Loan is $40,000.00, The maximum loan for the Buy/Rehab/Sell program is $105,000.00, the maximum Rehab/Refinance loan is $135,000.00, the maximum Reconstruction loan is $135,000.00 and the maximum Deferredloan is

$20,000.00.Therefore, the number of loans possible depends not only on the funds available in the Housing Revolving Loan Fund,but the type of loan utilized. If all loans are Rehabilitation Loans ten(10) loans can be


Target Date5/31/2019

Estimate thenumber and type of families that willbenefit from

the proposed activities

If all funds are expended it is estimated that 1o low to moderateincome families will receive rehabilitation loans.
Location DescriptionCity of Bessemer. This is a city wide project. It is not possibleto determine addresses in advance.
Planned Activities

It is generally not possible to plan specific Housing projects.Applications for such projects are received on an ongoing basis andare addressed as quickly as possible. Please note funding isderived from existing program


3Project NameEconomic Development Loan
Target Area 
Goals SupportedEconomic Development Loan
Needs AddressedEconomic Development
FundingCDBG: $975,745

Loans funded from the Revolving Loan Fund for EconomicDevelopment Loans are made to business to allow businesses tocreate jobs for low to moderate income persons. Loans up to$35,000.00 require the creation of at least one permanent, full-timejob, or a number of permanent

part-time jobs that are equivalent to one full time job, for low to moderate income person(s). Incremental increases in jobcreation are required, based on $35,000.00, as loan amountsincrease. It is not possible to know exactly how many loans will berequested in FY2018, but if the entire $887,667.00 in availablefunds is loaned the minimum number of jobs created would be 26 ifonly full-time permanent jobs

were created.

Target Date5/31/2019

Estimate thenumber and type of families that willbenefit from

the proposed activities

The purpose of economic development loans is job creation for lowto moderate income persons. If all funds are expended the minimum number of jobs created would be 28 based on $35,000.00 per job.
Location Description

City of Bessemer. This is a city wide program. It is not possible to determine specific loacation information in advance due to thedesign of

the program.

Planned ActivitiesLoans for the Rehabilitation and or purchase of commercialfacilities and related equipment.
4Project NameRoosevelt Park Drainage
Target Area 
Goals SupportedPublic Facilities
Needs AddressedPublic Facilities
FundingCDBG: $135,417
DescriptionThis funding will be combined with prior year’s funds for adrainage project in Roosevelt Park.
Target Date5/31/2019

Estimate thenumber and type of families that willbenefit from

the proposed activities

29000, inasmuch as all citizens will benefit from this activity.
Location DescriptionHighway 150 and Alabama Ave. Bessemer, AL (Recreation Center)
Planned ActivitiesA drainage project in Roosevelt Park.
5Project NameAdministration
Target Area 
Goals Supported

Emergency Housing Repair Grants Housing Rehabilitation Loans Economic Development Loan

Public Facilities

Needs Addressed

Housing Rehabilitation Loans Lead Paint

Emergency Repair Grants Public Services

Public Facilities Economic Development


FundingCDBG: $77,563
DescriptionEconomic and Community Development Office Administration
Target Date5/31/2019

Estimate thenumber and type of families that willbenefit from

the proposed activities

29000, inasmuch as all the citizens of Bessemer will benefitdirectly or indirectly, from the CDBG program.
Location Description1700 3rd Ave. North, Bessemer, AL. City Hall.
Planned ActivitiesAdministration costs of the administering the CDBG program.
6Project NameDelivery Costs
Target Area 
Goals Supported

Emergency Housing RepairGrants Housing RehabilitationLoans

Economic Development Loan

Needs Addressed

Housing Rehabilitation Loans

Emergency Repair Grants Economic Development

FundingCDBG: $19,995
DescriptionFunds for Delivery Cost activities.
Target Date5/31/2019

Estimate thenumber and type of families that willbenefit from

the proposed activities

It is estimated that 17 low to moderate income families willreceive housing services as a result of the delivery costsexpended.
Location Description1700 3rd. Ave. North, Bessemer, AL. City Hall
Planned ActivitiesProject Delivery Costs.
7Project NameEntrance Sign
Target Area 
Goals SupportedPublic Facilities
Needs AddressedPublic Facilities
FundingCDBG: $88,078
DescriptionConstruction of major Entrance Sign of 18th Street.
Target Date5/31/2019

Estimate thenumber and type of families that willbenefit from

the proposed activities

29000 persons will benefit inasmuch as the Entrance Sign isfor all citizens.
Location Description12th Ave North and 18th Street., Bessemer, AL
Planned ActivitiesAn entrance sign to the City of Bessemer will be constructed at12th AVe. North and 18th Street.

AP-50 Geographic Distribution – 91.220(f)

Description of the geographic areas of the entitlement (including areas of low-income and minority concentration) where assistance will be directed


All CDBG programs of the City of Bessemer are designed to serve the City as a whole. The City, as a whole, qualifies relative to low-mod service based on the income levels of the citizens ofBessemer.


Over 70% of the City’s population falls below the low-to-moderate income level with over 50% in the very low income category. All areas of the City are addressed because all areas arepopulated by those at or below the low-to-moderate income level. The Historic Facade Grant program is designed to impact the National Historic District, but it also applies to any structure inthe City listed on the National Historic Register.


Geographic Distribution


Target AreaPercentage ofFunds

Table 8 – Geographic Distribution


Rationale for the priorities for allocating investments geographically


The need for programs that comport with the National Objective of the Community Development Block Grant program, throughout the City of Bessemer, are great. The City directs most ofits funding toward the elderly and disabled and seeks to help those most in need of help. Therefore, the City has designed its program on a City Wide basis.




All projects are City Wide.

Affordable Housing


AP-55 Affordable Housing – 91.220(g)



The City has a comprehensive housing program design. The only limit to the program relative to service to the citizens of Bessemer is funding. Funding for housing programs is broken downinto two sources. CDBG Entitlement funds are used for the Emergency Housing Repair Grant program and Revolving Loan funds are used for projects involving loans for HousingRehabilitation.


One Year Goals for the Number of Households to beSupported

Table 9 – One Year Goals for Affordable Housing by Support Requirement



One Year Goals for the Number of Households SupportedThrough
Rental Assistance0
The Production of New Units0
Rehab of Existing Units17
Acquisition of Existing Units0

Table 10 – One Year Goals for Affordable Housing by Support Type





Emergency Housing Repair Grants are designed to facilitate housing repairs related to the disability or medical condition of the owner. They may also be used to address health and safetyrelated repairs. Housing Rehabilitation loans are a broad category of programs designed to bring houses to a CODE conforming condition within a structure that is affordable for low tomoderate income persons. Please see the attached narrative describing all Housing related programs for further details.

AP-60 Public Housing 91.220(h)



The Housing Authority of the City of Bessemer (BHA) manages 702 public housing rental units at seven

(7) AMPS and administers 475 Section 8 vouchers and 70 VASH vouchers. In addition, BHA manages one

(1) bond financed 120 unit Senior Complex and a new 198 unit RAD Multifamily. The first of the developments was built in 1976 and the last was built in 1998. Because of various changes infederal housing policy, it is imperative that BHA engage new comprehensive strategies to accomplish its mission:


The Mission of the Housing Authority of the City of Bessemer is to increase the supply of, and maintain existing affordable rental housing; to encourage homeownership for low-income householdsand to promote training, educational opportunities and asset independence in a way that improves the health and civic and community vitality of Bessemer, Alabama.




Actions planned during the next year to address the needs to public housing


To pursue varying and flexible partnerships and funding opportunities to develop additional affordable housing both for rental and homeownership. Increase efforts to broaden the BHACommissioners policy making ability through information sharing, training and workshops culminating with the creation of an Annual Board/Staff Strategic Planning Workshops. Develop anenhanced real estate Asset Management model to provide for the direction of capital funds in a rational manner, including the potential submission of the Capital Funds FinancingProgram (CFFP) application. Focus and expand the current Family Self Sufficiency program with an emphasis on educational advancement, homeownership training, job training and asset independence. Develop additional partnerships with other authorities, municipalities, private entities, financial institutions to leverage funding for the benefit of residents and communities. Explore Section 32 Public Housing Homeownership and other public/private mini neighborhood small ownership opportunities. Develop a lease/purchase program for thepurpose of extending low-income homeownership for residents who otherwise are unable to purchase at present, but will be able to in the next few years in conjunction with the City of Bessemer’s Community Development Plans. Increase awareness of the impact of Green Energy Conservation; develop cost saving measures and public/private partnerships toenhance energy efficient developments. Initiate at least one (1) new affordable housing development with an emphasis on creating an affordable, mixed- financed housing community atHillside; apply for Tax Credits from the Alabama Housing Finance Authority and other private financings. Expand efforts of the Bessemer Housing & Development Corporation, a BHA non-profit instrumentality formed in 2009 to impact neighborhood revitalization throughout the City of Bessemer. Strengthen program operations and fiscal management with the goal being HighPerformer designation in public housing, and continue to expand all aspects of Voucher

Management included in the 2009 High Performance Rating.







Actions to encourage public housing residents to become more involved in management and participate in homeownership


The Bessemer Public Housing Authority has a program whereby one Public Housing resident sets on the Housing Authoritie’s Board of Directors. The Bessemer Public Housing Authority hasalso established a program designed to help transition Public Housing residents into homeownership. The program teaches various financial and life skills necessary to become a homeowner.The City of Bessemer cooperates in this effort to assist in the process when possible. The Agency will expand its FSS program to facilitate a Homeownership program for both Public Housingand Housing Choice Voucher

residents. The PHA will also develop a Lease Purchase Program for qualified residents and other income eligible.




If the PHA is designated as troubled, describe the manner in which financial assistance will be provided or other assistance






The Mission of the Housing Authority of the City of Bessemer is to increase the supply of, and maintain existing affordable rental housing; to encourage homeownership for low-income householdsand to promote training, educational opportunities and asset independence in a way that improves the health and civic and community vitality of Bessemer, Alabama.

AP-65 Homeless and Other Special Needs Activities – 91.220(i)



The City of Bessemer receives no ESG funding or funding of any type designated to address the needs of the homeless. The City does use CDBG funds through its Emergency Housing RepairGrant Program to conduct repairs that would allow a disabled person to continue living in their home. The City has also offered One Roof the opportunity to manage houses the City has in itsinventory as temporary housing for the homeless. The City provides access to its Buy/Rehab/Sell program for CDBG eligible homeless persons. It is hoped One Roof, The Foundry and otherinstitutions can provide referrals in that regard.


Describe the jurisdictions one-year goals and actions for reducing and ending homelessness including

Reaching out to homeless persons (especially unsheltered persons) and assessing their individual needs


The City is working with One Roof and The Foundry to establish a working relationship that will facilitate outreach to the homeless. It is estimated that the total number of homeless in the City atany given time is 35. However, a review of the situation relative to each of the 35 presently identified shows all but three are sheltered. This is a tribute to the non-profits and the Continuum ofCare. The City has also offered One Roof the opportunity to manage houses the City has in its inventory as temporary housing for the homeless. The City will provide access to its Buy/Rehab/Sellprogram for CDBG eligible homeless persons. It is hoped One Roof, The Foundry and other institutions can provide referrals in that regard.


Addressing the emergency shelter and transitional housing needs of homeless persons


The City has no funding for emergency shelter and transitional housing needs. However, the CIty is working with One Roof and has offered One Roof the opportunity to use houses in the City’sinventory that could be used to provide housing for the homeless on both a temporary and permanent basis. It is hoped One Roof could manage the properties provided by the City for bothtemporary and permanent housing.


The One Roof organization indicates that there are 35 homeless individuals living in the Bessemer area. However, One Roof has also provided an overview of homelessnes in Jefferson County that is instructive. It is as follows:


The 2018 sheltered homeless numbers are down significantly from the 2017 sheltered homeless numbers, decreasing from an overall 875 sheltered persons to an overall 533 shelteredpersons. While this is a recorded decrease of 342 sheltered people, it must be noted that the Continuum also recorded a loss of 554 available beds. The emergency shelter bed count for 2017 was540 while the 2018 count was only 431. The transitional bed count for 2017 was 304 and dropped to 219 in 2018. The change in ES

and TH beds was a total loss of 194 temporary beds, and while this number is significant, it still does not account for the decrease of 342 sheltered people. The CoC is comfortable that theprocess of identifying the most vulnerable people through Coordinated Assessment and housing them combined with the availability of Rapid Rehousing dollars, is starting to make truedifferences in homeless numbers.




Unfortunately, we have not seen corresponding decreases in the unsheltered population. Total number of unsheltered persons identified in 2017 was 217 and we showed only a 3 persondecrease in 2018 with the identification of 214 unsheltered persons. This leads us to be concerned about the availability of affordable, low/no barrier housing that is immediately available for our population with the most barriers such as long/ exceedingly long term homelessness, felony backgrounds, mental illness and substance abuse. The changes in the chronic homelessnumbers support this. We see that we had 31 chronically homeless people sheltered in 2017 but increased that number to 95 in 2018. We know that we had 92 chronically homeless peopleunsheltered in 2017 and decreased that number to only 24 in 2018. This shows us that we are able to get our chronically homeless into shelter, but that we are challenged to move them out intopermanent housing.




We must increase the availability of affordable, low/no barrier, and immediately available permanent housing. That will both prevent some homelessness and end other homelessness.




We saw the number of Unaccompanied Youth (under 25) go down from 125 in 2017 to just 22 in 2018. We know that with the federal push to identify and serve these young people we have done abetter job of finding and counting them. From this dramatic decrease we also know that the Rapid Rehousing programs we have put in place are doing their job and decreasing the number ofUnaccompanied Youth on our streets. We did see the number of Domestic Violence victims decrease from 135 in 2017 to 100 in 2018, but we also know that we lost Domestic Violence dedicatedhousing during this time, so do not believe this is a significant decrease.


Helping homeless persons (especially chronically homeless individuals and families, families with children, veterans and their families, and unaccompanied youth)make the transition to permanent housing and independent living, including shortening the period of time that individuals and families experience homelessness, facilitating access for homeless individuals and families to affordable housing units, and preventing individuals and families who were recently homeless frombecoming homeless again


The City provides low cost loans to repair houses under its Buy/Rehab/Sell program that could be used

to assist a qualifying homeless person. The City works with the United Way of Central Alabama to assist those with credit problems and place them in a plan that can lead to home ownership. Inaddition the existing housing repair programs of the City act to prevent families from becoming homeless.


Helping low-income individuals and families avoid becoming homeless, especially extremely low-income individuals and families and those who are: beingdischarged from publicly funded institutions and systems of care (such as health care facilities, mental health facilities, foster care and other youth facilities, andcorrections programs and institutions); or, receiving assistance from public or private agencies that address housing, health, social services, employment,education, or youth needs.


The CDBG funded Emergency Housing Repair Grant program is designed to remove barriers associated with the disabilities and medical condition of homeowners. In many cases housing isnot accessible for those with disabilities. Eliminating those accessibility issues can allow a person to live in a house that would not work for them otherwise. The City works with UAB West toaddress the needs of the disabled or those with long term medical issues, when they are discharged from UAB West. These programs often make it possible for an elderly or disabled person tocontinue living in their own home.




The City would be interested in the possibility of ESG funding and using some of its housing inventory for the homeless if arrangements could be made with the Continuum of Care and localservice providers to manage homeless outreach. The City continues to make avaiable the Emergency Housing Grant program. This is a program designed to adress housing needs associatedwith disibilities, medical conditions and safety.

AP-75 Barriers to affordable housing – 91.220(j)



There are no local or state level policies impacting affordable housing and residential development. The City of Bessemer follows standard housing CODES, and the guidelines of the CountyHealth Department relative to residential housing. Fire protection is maintained at the highest possible level as is police protection. As a result insurance rates are reasonable. Property tax ratesare among the lowest in the country.


The City’s Analysis of Impediments for Fair Housing, that was first done for the Consolidated Plan of FY2009 and later updated for the Consolidated Plan of FY2015, points to Transportation,Employment, Blighted Housing and Credit Worthiness as Impediments to Fair Housing. Credit Worthiness is a significant issue that must be delt with in the long term. As such, the City hasenlisted the assistance of the United Way of Central Alabama to assist CDBG program applicants to become credit worthy. United Way provides credit reports and credit counseling such thatcompletion of the credit counseling course will result in credit eligibility relative to City CDBG Housing Loan programs. CDBG Housing loans, CDBG Housing Grants, and CDBG EconomicDevelopment Loans that are based on Job Creation for low to moderate income persons all serve to make housing more affordable via low interest rates, favorable terms and low down paymentrequirements. The involvement of Habitat for Humanity, which plans to build ten new houses in Bessemer in FY2018 has, an will continue to improve the opportunity for new housing. The City’sEmergency Grant program allows existing homeowners with disabilities and medical conditions to continue living in their houses. The City has participated in transportation studies with the Regional Panning Commission and anticipates a new transportation study for a transportation HUB will be concluded in FY2018. This study will be facilitated with matching funds from theCity of Bessemer and the CDBG program. The City hopes to use these studies to enhance the opportunity for transportation grants.


In addition to the positive effect of housing rehabilitation programs funded by CDBG the City has dedicated $250,000.00 annually from the City’s General Fund for Clearance projects to removeblight, increase property values, lower residential insurance costs and generally improve the quality of life of Bessemer’s citizens. In addition to the $250,000.00 set aside for Clearance by the CItyin FY2018,

$100,000.00 has been set aside in this Action Plan for Clearance.


The Economic Development activities of the the City have provided thousands of new jobs over the course of the periods addressed in the last two Consolidated plans. Projects like the Tannehill Promenade, The US Pipe Plant, Amstead Rail, the Dollar General Distribution facility and numerous others have provided jobs and thus housing opportunities for many. The newAmazon Distribution center will provide up to 3000 new jobs. The Amazon project and all the other projects mentioned were directly impacted by the City of Bessemer which played an intergralrole in their decision to locate in





Actions it planned to remove or ameliorate the negative effects of public policies that serve as barriers to affordable housing such as land use controls, tax policiesaffecting land, zoning ordinances, building codes, fees and charges, growth limitations, and policies affecting the return on residential investment


There are no local or state level policies impacting affordable housing and residential development. The City of Bessemer follows standard housing CODES, and the guidelines of the CountyHealth Department relative to residential housing. Fire protection is maintained at the highest possible level as is police protection. As a result insurance rates are reasonable. Property tax ratesare among the lowest in the country. Public policies do not constitute an impediment to fair housing.




Homeownership is more achieavable in the Southeastern United States than any other area in the nation. Local, County and State government policy’s in Alabama encourage homeownership.Building CODEs are industry standard as is zoning. Fees and charges associated with new construction and rehabilitation are reasonable and have no appreciable effect on homeownershipopportunities. The cost of housing in Alabama is far lower than in many other areas and it follows that families can more readily afford to buy houses in the State of Alabama than most otherareas of the USA.


The City has undertaken housing rehabilitation programs with its CDBG funds to help the elderly and disabled stay in their homes. The City has addressed the severe problem of creditworthiness in the low to moderate income community by partnering with United Way of Central Alabama to provide credit counseling for applicants of the City’s CDBG funded Rehabilitation Loan Programs. Participants who complete the United Way program are deemed as credit eligible for those Rehabilitation loan programs. The City has also organized programs andseminars conducted by the top officers of local banks to provide the citizens of Bessemer with the knowledge necessary to successfully obtain private mortgage financing.


The City has addressed the impediment of Employment by providing job training programs for Youth, like Camp Bessemer, and encourages job creation for low to moderate income personsthrough its economic development loan program. As mentioned above the City of Bessemer has been extraordinarily successful in landing several major economic development projectswhich have provided thousnds of jobs to this point in time and promise to provide several thousand more in the near future.


The City has partnered with agencies like Habitat for Humanity to build new housing in the City that will allow low to moderate income persons to achieve home ownership. The City plans to assistin such

programs through the provision of services and through the procurement of residential building lots.


To the extent that one wishes to attribute jobs, transportation, the removal and or rehabilitation of blighted housing, and the improvement of credit worthiness to improved opportunities forhousing, the CIty of Bessemer has made major strides in addressing the impediments to fair housing listed in the Analisis of Impediments to Fair Housing.

AP-85 Other Actions – 91.220(k)



The basic premise behind the design of the City of Bessemer’s Consolidated/Action Plan is to provide, as closely as possible, a holistic approach to the needs of the low to moderate incomepersons in the community. Each program under the housing umbrella, whether federally funded or funded by the CIty itself works to provide clean and safe neighborhoods, Housing Stockrevitalization and compliance with the Americans With Disabilities Act to improve the quality of life of those in need. In addition the City uses CDBG funds to provide loans to local business withthe National Objective of creating jobs.

Employment, like many of the functions undertaken by the City through its CDBG program is a key factor in the ability to own a home. Fair Housing is a focus of the City and addressing problemsassociated with transportation and economic development are important to maximizing the opportunity for home ownership in the CIty of Bessemer. The City arranged public forums with local banks to provide information about mortgage loans and the mortgage loan process for citizens.


Actions planned to address obstacles to meeting underserved needs


The Economic and Community Development Department administers a comprehensive Housing program designed to serve low to moderate income individuals. The City will continue to provideCDBG funded loans, to the extent funding is available, to make housing more livable and to give families an opportunity to realize the advantages of homeownership. The City intends to increasethe funding of its Emergency Grant program to meet the needs of the elderly and disabled. It should be pointed out that CDBG funding for such programs has dropped by 21.4% since FY2007. TheCity has contributed

$250,000.00 annually from its General Fund to address the severe problem of blighted housing in the community. The City plans to continue to reach out to organization like Habitat for Humanity toprovide housing rehabilitation and new housing services the City cannot provide due t either inadequate funding or CDBG rule. Habitat for Humanity plans to build ten new houses in Bessemerin 2018 from their own funding sources. The City plans to assist Habitat for Humanity with services in 2018 and hopes to assist in providing property for additional housing construction in2019.






Actions planned to foster and maintain affordable housing


The City will continue loan and grant programs designed to remove barriers, according to The American’s With Disabilities Act, to residents and to bring houses into a CODE conformingcondition.

These programs have proven to allow families to have a higher quality of life in a safer environment.


Actions planned to reduce lead-based paint hazards


The City of Bessemer tests all houses of participants in housing programs built before 1979 for lead based paint if a painted surface will be disturbed in the rehabilitation process. The City alsoroutinely tests if projects exceed $5,000.00 in total cost. The City maintains a policy that lead based paint must be abated if addressed. The City has sponsored, and will continue to sponsor,public meetings and seminars with the Alabama Department of Health to inform the public of the dangers of lead based paint and to educate contractors in required procedures. All participantsreceive a booklet explaining the dangers of lead based paint. The City follows all EPA and HUD regulations relative to the treatment and abaterment of lead based paint. Lead based paintis always a consideration in the rehabilitation process.


Actions planned to reduce the number of poverty-level families


Job creation through the City’s Economic Development Program and well as the expansion of the tax base through economic development will serve to reduce poverty levels. Housingprograms, with their focus on energy efficiency and cost reduction, through programs like the Rehabilitation Loan Program known as Buy/Rehab/ Sell and Refinance/Rehabilitation work tomake housing safer and more affordable.


Actions planned to develop institutional structure


The City of Bessemer and other community development and housing organizations have achieved institutional structure through their commitment to community involvement and continuedsupport. Community development and housing initiative programs are administered through the Department of Economic and Community Development. This also allows for continued institutional knowledge with respect to successful means and tactics in the preparation and administration of grants and grant applications.The City of Bessemer and the Bessemer PublicHousing Authority have partnered in recent years to ensure the continued success and growth of the community as a whole. Through these collaborative efforts, an emphasis is placed on theneeds of the community while avoiding duplicated efforts by the individual entities. These collaborative efforts have proven to be successful and the City looks to partner with other entities toachieve the same goals and will continue to strive for improved institutional structure.




Actions planned to enhance coordination between public and private housing and social service agencies


The City is committed to focusing efforts to ensure the coordination of stakeholders and continual

improvements to the programmatic delivery system. The City will continue to look for ways to enhance coordination in the implementation of the Consolidated Plan through its establishedpartnerships with Community and Development Services, the Bessemer Public Housing Authority, and the Jefferson County Community Development Department.


The City will work with One Roof, the Continuum of Care to promote a communitywide commitment to the goal of ending homelessness; to seek out funding for efforts that seek to addresshomelessness in Bessemer and to support methods to assist in the rehousing of homeless individuals. The City will continue its commitment to the development of a viable EconomicInfrastructure through the support of Incentive Programs Economic Development Loan Program and other incentives. The City is also committed to continuing the implementation of its CampBessemer program to promote economic opportunity for Bessemer Youth. The City will continue to coordinate with local stakeholders to support economic development through the creation ofjobs and educational opportunities for neighborhood residents living throughout the City.






The FY2018 CDBG Action Plan of the City of Bessemer continues the execution of the broadbased Consolidated plan generated in FY2015. This plan addresses Housing, Public Service,Public Facilities and Clearance needs with new funding and with funding from the Revolving Loan Fund. The FY2018 Action Plan will further address the needs identified in the Analysis ofImpediments to Fair Housing that was included with the ConsolidatedPlan of FY2009 and updated in the Consolidated Plan of FY2015.

Program Specific Requirements

AP-90 Program Specific Requirements – 91.220(l)(1,2,4)



The City of Bessemer only receives CDBG funding. All funding mentioned in this Action Plan are derivatives of CDBG Entitlement funds or CDBG related Housing Revolving Loan funds.


Community Development Block Grant Program (CDBG) Reference 24 CFR 91.220(l)(1)

Projects planned with all CDBG funds expected to be available during the year are identified in the Projects Table. The following identifies program income that is available for use thatis included in projects to be carried out.




1. The total amount of program income that will have been received before the start of thenext

program year and that has not yet been reprogrammed



2. The amount of proceeds from section 108 loan guarantees that will be used during the yearto

address the priority needs and specific objectives identified in the grantee’s strategic plan.



3. The amount of surplus funds from urban renewal settlements0

4. The amount of any grant funds returned to the line of credit for which the planned use hasnot

been included in a prior statement or plan



5. The amount of income from float-funded activities0
Total Program Income:0


Other CDBG Requirements


1. The amount of urgent need activities0



2. The estimated percentage of CDBG funds that will be used for activities that

benefit persons of low and moderate income.Overall Benefit – A consecutiveperiod of one, two or three years may be used to determine that a minimum overall benefit of 70% of CDBG funds is used to benefit persons oflow and moderate

income. Specify the years covered that include this Annual Action Plan.
























It is expected that the overall minimum benefit of 70% of CDBG funds to benefit low to moderate income will be realized over the course of the FY2015-FY2019 Consolidated Plan. All programs,except Clearance are designed to achieve 100% low mod benefit. Even so the Clearance program will be concentrated in low income areas and will still benefit low to moderate income citizens.83% of the FY2018 CDBG grant will directly impact low to moderate income service.